Welcome to www.monzouzou.com!
www.monzouzou.com is an e-shop, where car parts are displayed and provided through the internet, created by «MGL PARTS PC» located on AG. Dimitriou Str 28, 54630, Thessaloniki, Greece, tel. +30.2310.554556, email: [email protected], VAT:EL800797868, G.E.MI. (General Commercial Registry) No: 141238604000.
Before browsing our website and entering our e-shop, users are asked to read carefully and comply with the terms and conditions pointed below, which govern the use of our e-shop, are binding in any case and entail an explicit and unconditional approval for whoever wishes to conclude any transaction with our company. The following terms form the conditions under which MGL PARTS PC transacts, respecting the principal of good will in accordance to Law No 2251/1994 for Consumer Protection Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament, Presidential Decree 131/2003 and Ministerial Decision 31619/2017-Code of Consumer Conduct for Electronic Commerce.
These terms define the extend of our company’s rights and obligations towards the users of our web page, as well as towards anyone who wants to source products through the e-shop, as they regulate any future transactional involvement while they provide information about the users’ rights and obligations and help the search and purchase of the products they wish to source from our company. The use of our e-shop requires unconditional acceptance of these terms. In case of opposition the user is required not to make use of this website. For information, questions and clarifications about the content of this website, the sales’ terms and the services offered through it you are invited to contact our company through email address [email protected] or by telephone number +30.2310.554556 or by mail at the address above.
Access to website www.monzouzou.com does not entail any additional cost beyond the current price status for general access to Internet as formed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and paid to them only.
MGL PARTS PC has the right to alter or refresh the current terms and conditions concerning transactions made through this e-shop, unilaterally and without warning, according to its needs and commercial law, but it bears the obligation to inform the users through the website for any alteration or amendment. We suggest that you read these terms from time to time, so that you are constantly informed for any changes in their content. Any use of this web page after any alteration or amendment will be considered as acceptance of these alterations from your side.
In case of any delay in the delivery of ordered products and for any information or service that we give through our website, our company is liable only for willful misconduct and gross negligence. The e-shop is not liable for possible technical problems that may occur when the users try to access the website and during the connection related to their service or compliance of their infrastructure for the use of the website. In addition, we are not responsible for actions or omissions of third parties, especially not permitted interventions of third parties on products, services or information that are available through it.
Purchase of products through our e-shop is allowed only to users who have legal right to make contracts and have legal capacity, as appointed in Greek law. Our company is not liable for possible use of the web site by minors, as it is not in place to certify the visitors’ identity.In any case, we provide thorough and precise description of all products in a very intuitive way, so that no one is mislead concerning the actual size, the price, the quality and the authenticity of every product.
The content of our web page including the design of the website, the information material, the graphics, photographs, images, unless it is stated differently for particular third images rights, designs, texts, provided services and products, is MGL PARTS PC intellectual property and is protected according to relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Any copy, analogue/digital recording and mechanical replication, distribution, transfer, downloading (unless we allow it), processing, creation of derivative work or misleading the public about the true provider of the website content is prohibited. Possible reproduction, republication, download, announcement, dissemination or distribution or any other use of the content whichever way or mean for commercial or other purposes is allowed only after MGL PARTS PC written permission. The logo and distinctive feature ‘monzouzou’ which represents MGL PARTS PC as well its products and services is MGL PARTS PC’s exclusive trademark and is protected by Greek, European and international law about trademarks, industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition. In any case, its appearance or display in web page www.monzouzou.com should not in any way be perceived as transfer or concession of license or use right.
Illustrations, trademarks and instinctive features of the companies displayed in www.monzouzou.com are intellectual and industrial property of these companies.
MGL PARTS PC fully respects personal data and ensures that our e-shop is legitimate according to provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), Law No 2472/1997 on the “Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data” and Law No 3471/2006 on the “Protection of personal data and privacy in electronic communications”.
MGL PARTS PC confirms that any collection, processing or storage of users’ personal data takes place according to law and only after their specified and explicit consent, exclusively for the purpose and as far as demanded for the function of the e-shop and the provision of offered services.
This Data is used exclusively for transactions with the webpage’s users and should not be used for any other purpose or by any third party, except for cases in which notice is required by law or court decision, or under the undermentioned circumstances. In any case, www.monzouzou.com does not collect, store and process data that is considered sensitive by law, such as national origin, religious or political beliefs, health, social welfare, criminal record etc.
Our company does not collect personal data that belong to minors or people incapable to conclude contracts as the use of our e-shop requires capacity to perform legal acts. In case of use of the e-shop by the above mentioned categories and collection of their data the consent of the legal guardian or judicial supporter is taken for granted, as the e-shop is not in place of identifying a person’s age. The legal guardian or judicial supporter is liable for transactions under no consent.
«MGL PARTS PC» located on AG. DimitriouStr 28, 54630, Thessaloniki, Greece, tel. +30.2310.554556, email: [email protected], VAT: EL800797868, G.E.MI. (General Commercial Registry) No: 141238604000 is the Data Processing Officer of monzouzou e-shop’s users’ personal data, i.e. the person who decides which data is to be collected, the way and purpose of the collection.
The Data collected by www.monzouzou.com webpage is submitted for the conclusion of products’ purchase and gathered during the user’s navigation in the web page during the use of the offered services. More precisely, the cases in which data processing occurs are the following:
The user needs to state his/her personal data if he/she wishes to conclude an order of products. For the processing of orders users are asked to declare their Name, Surname, Email, Telephone Number, Address and Credit Card No (if this mean of payment is chosen). This Data is collected because it is the least necessary for the conclusion of the purchase.
Also, as MGL PARTS PC has legally collected the buyer’s data in the lawful way mentioned above, after the conclusion of a purchase in our e-shop, the company informs the clients with a specified message which appears on screen that it has the right to use this email for advertising purpose as long as the buyer does not dissent to this use, according to e-Privacy Directive 2002/58/EU, as in force after the amendments of 2009/136/EU. In any case, concession of the email allows the company to send advertising messages only for similar products and the owner of the email can easily cancel this service by clicking “cancellation” which appears in every message.
Every www.monzouzou.com’s visitor has the ability to create a personal account as a user-member of the web page. He/she can also use their personal account for future purchases from www.monzouzou.com. The data given is Name, Surname, Email and password. This data is collected in order to fasten the conclusion of users’ orders, as the user does not need to fill in his/her data again every time he/she wishes to make an order, as the data automatically appear on screen. In addition, our company collects elements for buyers-users preferences, so that it is able to present more personalized offers.
The user can make use of the personal account in future purchase in www.monzouzou.com. Members are exclusively responsible for all actions made through their personal password, their email and their user account in general. In case of any non authorized use of the account and of any security violation, members are obliged to inform the company immediately. In addition, members are exclusively responsible for careful use of their account and their logout at the end of every use. If the user/visitor voluntarily reveals his/her personal data through this website to third parties, it is his/her responsibility to check the terms of protection of this data from the third parties. The user accepts that MGL PARTS PC is not liable at any extent for such disclosures and for the following possible use of this data by third persons. Likewise, MGL PARTS PC is not liable for any revelation of third parties’ personal data through this website made by its users without previous approval of the person concerned.
The company has the right to punctuate the use of passwords for its services or the whole distribution of the page’s content to users who it believes have violated the text and spirit of these terms.
www.monzouzou.com provides its users with the opportunity to register to its newsletter by revealing their email. This registration serves the purpose of collecting information from users/visitors about www.monzouzou.com‘s offered products and services, updating users/visitors for new products, offers, contests, as well as advertising display and promotion of www.monzouzou.com‘s products at distance. Newsletter registration equals user’s approval for sending all the above information about www.monzouzou.com, products and services at his/her personal email. This approval is freely revocable at any time through clicking “deactivate” at the bottom of every message.
In order to contact our company through email (e.g. for complaints, assumption of informative/promotional material) users must also reveal their contact information (name-surname, email).
In case of recurring problems concerning orders or services offered by www.monzouzou.com, the user can contact the company by email or phone and apply for a solution, by giving his/her name, surname, telephone no and email.
www.monzouzou.com has the right to use Cookies. Cookies are small text files sent from a web page and stored in the browser during the user’s navigation. Cookies are designed as reliable mechanisms for the webpages to remember information (e.g. products placed in an eshop’s the shopping basket) or to record a user’s navigation history (including record of web pages visited in the past).
Cookies installation is possible only after suitably informing the consumer and after his/her consent is assured. www.monzouzou.com allows its users to continue navigation without sending Cookies to the server. For information concerning Cookies please visit www.aboutcookies.org.
www.monzouzou.com collects information during a user’s navigation in the web page, such as other web pages visited and it stores it in the server in order to record the www.monzouzou.com interaction with other web pages.
www.monzouzou.com also uses information about the way that user makes use of the web page, such as the products he/she decides to view or the services he/she decides to use, in order to use them in making analysis and statistical researches which helps the company to improve the offer and the quality of the given services.
Finally, our company may collect information from the user’s software, browser or IP, during the user’s navigation through his/her personal account in order to record the traffic, create order history and buyer’s interest in order to improve its services or keep an internal accounting file.
Social networks plug-ins, such as services provided by Facebook, Instagram e.t.c. are integrated in our web page. These plug-ins transfer information such as the IP, the web pages visited etc., to the relevant platform. The plug-ins are governed by the privacy policy of each social network.
The data collected by www.monzouzou.com is processed by MGL PARTS PC authorized and qualified personnel, according to the company’s directions, following security regulations and only in order to complete the above mentioned goals.
Some of this data is transferred to third parties which are particularly authorized to undertake a part of the execution of the services provided by www.monzouzou.com, as well as professional experts to whom the data is transmitted in order to accomplish the obligations imposed by law (tax-accounting) or perform legal rights and claims when necessary, such as the network provider who offers access to the internet, the computer service provider who has access to data collected in order to accomplish the e-services it provides, to make necessary updates and recover failures that may occur, the bank operator, who undertakes the execution of sales contracts by charging the buyers’ credit cards, the courier companies who assume the obligation to safely transfer the product and conclude the sale contract. These third parties process data only under mglparts’ special mandates and oversight, execute the processing only to the minimum extend forced by the purpose of the contract and assure the processing is according to law. Clients’ personal data may be transferred to administrative and judicial authorities when deemed necessary by law or court decision/order as to confront criminal activities or personal rights violation and public security offences.
The collected personal data storage time varies depending on their usage purpose.
A. The data collected for the conclusion of sale contracts are kept for 6 years after the issuing date, according to the accounting data retention duty according to law.
B. Credit card numbers are stored until the payment confirmation.
C. Personal account data is stored until the user applies for a deactivation of his/her account.
D. Newsletter data is stored until the user’s request for a disablement.
E. Advertising data remain in the archive until the user wishes to be erased from the list.
F. Customer service data is stored until the fulfillment of the request.
G. Navigation data is stored for 2 years after the last visit.
Every user of our web page has the right to access the personal data that he/she has provided to www.monzouzou.com, i.e. to be informed about which data is stored, if it is being processed and in which way and learn about the origin of its acquisition.
Every user of www.monzouzou.com has the right to request the correction of inaccurate data that is stored in the company’s file.
Every user of www.monzouzou.com has the right to apply for the partial or total erasure of his/her personal data.
The users have the right to apply for the restriction of processing when the accuracy of the data is questioned or when it is illegal or when they wish the data to be processed only to the extent that they allow.
The users have the right to receive their data in a structured, widely used and legible format or request to be transferred to another processing officer.
Every user www.monzouzou.com has the right to restrict the processing of his/her data, besides the cases in which the processing is demanded by law, which override the objection right.
If you wish to exercise the above rights, www.monzouzou.com will fulfill your request immediately. The change will take place within a month starting from the day of the assumption of the request. In case of delay www.mglparts.com informs the user about the extension of the fulfillment time. In order to access, change, erase your personal data or deactivate your account, you may contact the company by phone or email. MGLPARTS PC is the occupant and the processing manager of the collected data and the created file is kept at its head office.
In case you assume that your personal data rights are violated, you may contact our Data Protection Officer by email : [email protected]. You also have the right to file a complaint in the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, 1-3b Kifissias Str, 11523, tel. 2106475600, Fax 2106475608, [email protected].
Our company takes all necessary measures to ensure highest possible security of electronic transactions with users of the web page. All information related to personal data and users’ transactions are safe and private and the company uses it only to the extent that this is necessary within the frameworks of provided services. The company protects users’ data form any impermissible access or revelation, loss or bad use, change or destruction and takes all possible measures, using modern high quality security standards, according to modern market demands, with high encryption standards (Encryption Protocol SSL). The company does not reveal clients’ data and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization by them or if demanded by court decision or any other public authority decision. Security of the e-shop is also accomplished in case of creating a personal account for every user who wishes to become a user-member of the web page and proceed to any kind of transaction with the company through his/her personal account. Identification of every client demands his/her username and password, which ensure his/her secure access to personal data. The only person who has access to the data through the above codes is the user, who is exclusively responsible for keeping them secret from third parties. In case of loss or leak he/she will have to immediately contact us or else www.monzouzou.com e-shop cannot be held responsible for the use of this secret code by an unauthorized person.
In case the user chose to pay via credit card, the payment can be processed through card types displayed in the payment point. This process is accomplished through viva wallet system which declares to provide all e-payment security guaranties (SSL-Security Certificate & SSL Technology). The process of the payment data provided by the user is implemented by viva wallet. MGL PARTS PC does not store credit card numbers after the transaction is completed and is not responsible for their use by unauthorized persons. MGL PARTS SINGLE MEMBER PC is entitled to reject an order or withdraw from the sale contract in case that a any problem related to credit card elements occurs. In the event of deceptive use of credit cards, the charge can be cancelled by submission of a request at the Bank, for this reason the user must inform the Bank institution urgently after an unauthorized use comes to his/her perception.
Our e-shop allows transaction through PAYPAL. In case that the user chooses this way of payment, the money transfer is done directly in PAYPAL. During online payment the user is transferred to a secure connection encrypted page, exclusively belonging to PAYPAL, which takes full responsibility for payment and informs www.monzouzou.com when it is completed.
In view of the above, MGL PARTS PC does not bear any responsibility for possible legal (civil or/and penal) demand, nor for possible damage (incidental, special or consequential, which indicatively consists of profit loss, data loss, opportunity loss, compensation etc.), which occurs for users/visitors of the current website, from cause which is related to use of PAYPAL, which is exclusively responsible for keeping and safeguarding the elements provided to it. Finally, MGL PARTS SINGLE MEMBER PC is not liable for damage which occurs in the PAYPAL user’s account during his/her transaction with the company, as PAYPAL is exclusively responsible for safe guard and function of his/her account.
How can you order?
Orders can be made very easily through our e-shop. At first, one must click on the icon of the product category that interests them and afterwards one must choose the particular product that is suitable for them, so that its features appear on the screen. Your choice is completed by clicking “shopping cart”. Afterwards, you must be transferred into your shopping cart by clicking the icon on the right top of the page. If the client wishes to remove products from their shopping cart, they may use the ‘X’ icon on ‘quantity’. The next step is to click ‘estimate shipping & taxes’ and click on ‘check out’. On the next page you are asked to choose from making a purchase as a new or a returning customer and after that you are asked to fill in your personal details and the delivery details. By clicking ‘continue’ you choose a shipment and payment method and if you wish to add a comment to your order. After that, you can add a discount coupon or gift code. Continue by checking ‘I have read and agree with the terms and conditions’ and complete your purchase by clicking ‘confirm order’. After the conclusion of an order the user receives a confirmation email which contains the number of the order. After the product is handed to the shipping company the buyer will receive another email which contains the tracking number. Every buyer may use these numbers in order to get informed about the status of his/her order.
In addition, every user who does not want to buy through our e-shop has the opportunity to make orders through telephone: +30.2310.554556 or by email: [email protected].
Payments can be made:
A. Through a deposit in a bank account. Note: the account number in which you must deposit the money will be sent to you by email after order confirmation. Attention! The deposit must be made up to 2 days after the order confirmation. In other case the order is automatically cancelled.
B. Through PAYPAL’S safe system (you must already have or create an account in PAYPAL in order to pay and use your way of payment by depositing the money or by using your credit card).
C. Cash on delivery (only for domestic purchases).
D. Credit card.
Two delivery methods are available depending on the destination of the order:
A. Via Courier in Greece, within 3-5 working days. The shipping cost calculation is implemented case by case and it is added in the total payment amount before the confirmation of the order.
B. Via Courier abroad, within 5-15 working days. The shipping cost calculation is implemented case by case and it is added in the total payment amount before the confirmation of the order.
In any case, the company delivers the products without undue delay within 30 calendar days from the day of the order.
During the procedure of electronic order and before it is concluded, the user may delete a number of products from his/her shopping cart by choosing the ‘X’ icon in the quantity column.
After the order entry the user receives an automated email, which confirms the order and mentions the order information. For the purpose of avoiding problems in case that a client would like to cancel an order, he/she must immediately communicate with the company on tel. number +30.2310.554556 or by email in address [email protected], before the company sends the product and the order cancellation will be arranged by one of our employees. No cancellation is possible after the shipping, so the customer must accept his/her purchase.
The prices displayed in relevant product catalogues include VAT (24%). These prices relate to products available in our warehouse and www.monzouzou.com has the right to alter them.
www.monzouzou.com offers discount coupons and gift certificates to its clients. Discount coupons are personalized codes, which allow buyers to take advantage of a discount on their purchase. Gift certificates are personalized codes which allow buyers to get a free purchase of a certain amount. Discount coupons and gift certificates can be used only once and they cannot under any circumstances be exchanged for money. The discount coupon can be applied only to items with a higher value than the coupon itself.
All products displayed for sale in our e-shop are designed by monzouzou creator designer Mrs Anna Lazopoulou. Only high quality leather and fibers are used for their fabrication.
Mon zouzou products are not mass produced. Every monzouzou product is handmade and unique. No reduplication or reproduction is possible. Replication or imitation of any product is strictly prohibited and MGL PARTS PC withholds the right to claim indemnity for any damage determined by the provisions of intellectual and industrial property law.
Every user has the right to return the products purchased in the following cases:
A. Return of non defective products
If the client wishes to return the purchased products by filling in and electronically submitting the withdrawal-return form (page: Returns), within 14 calendar days time from the day of the delivery of the products. After receiving the return form, MGL PARTS PC shall communicate to the consumer an acknowledgement or receipt of the withdrawal on email without delay. After the receipt of the return request is delivered the client must send the products without undue delay within 14 calendar days from the day that he/she forwarded his/her decision to withdraw from the contract to the company, by sending the relevant form. The products must remain in their original packaging, unused and bearing their label. Return costs burden the client. After receiving the returned products, MGL PARTS PC checks if damages have incurred and in case none are found shall communicate to the consumer an acceptance of the withdrawal via email and shall reimburse the payment received without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which it has received the returned products, by crediting the money in the bank account the client has provided in the return form, regardless the mean of payment he/she had chosen, i.e. bank transfer, cash on delivery, PAYPAL or credit cart. If the products returned to MGL PARTS PC bear damages caused by the client, he/she is informed that the return request cannot be fulfilled and are handed to the shipping company in order to be returned to the client who must cover the shipping cost.
B. Replacement of non defective products
The buyer has the right to request a replacement of non defective products he/she purchased with other products of the same, lower or higher value. In this case, the buyer must follow the above mentioned procedure, deferring only in the point of indicating the products that he/she wishes to receive in replacement of the initials. After receiving and checking the products, MGLPARTS PC informs the client that the request has been accepted, registers the new order and informs him/her about the extra amount that needs to be deposited or credits the balance in the bank account indicated in case that the value of new products is lower than the initial. As to the remainder, everything mentioned in paragraph A is applied.
C. Return of defective products of products that do not conform with the order
The client has the right to return the products purchased and request the return of the paid cost: a) in all cases in which he/she received other of substantially different products than the ones he/she ordered b) in cases that the product received is defective or is missing a certain quality mentioned in the product page due to the company’s proven fault. Particularly, products are considered to be defective when they are delivered to the client bearing obvious significant damages or one of their qualities does not operate as it should. The characteristics of genuine leather of which monzouzou products are produced such as pores, variations of thickness or color, are natural imperfections of the production material and are not considered as defaults. For the placement of the return request the procedure referred to in chapter A is followed (filling in of return form). After receiving and evaluating the products, MGLPARTS PC checks if the products are defective or different from the ones ordered and informs the client via email that the request has been accepted and reimburses the payment received without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which it has received the returned products, by crediting the money in the bank account the client has provided in the return form. In this case the return costs burden MGL PARTS PC.
D. Replacement of defective products
In case the client discovers that the products received are defective or different from the ones ordered he/she has the right to request a replacement with other products of the same or different value. Replacement of defaulted products with same products cannot be implemented because, as mentioned before (chapter 9), every monzouzou product is handmade, produced only once and cannot be reproduced or replicated. Consequently, products can only be replaced by different items not same as the ones ordered. In this case the buyer must follow the above mentioned procedure, deferring only in the point of indicating the products that he/she wishes to receive in replacement of the initials. After receiving and evaluating the products and if it is discovered that the default was not caused by the buyer’s misdemeanor, MGLPARTS PC informs the client that the request has been accepted, registers the new order and informs him/her about the extra amount that needs to be deposited or credits the balance in the bank account indicated in case that the value of new products is lower than the initial.
The buyer can also be informed by telephone on +30.2310.554556 or email on [email protected] for every matter related to product returns.
Every contract concluded with monzouzou e-shop users and every controversy related to any transaction through monzouzou e-shop is regulated by Greek law, specifically by laws that regulate electronic commerce, distance sales and consumer protection (Law No 2251/1994 for Consumer Protection, Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament, Presidential Decree 131/2003 and Ministerial Decision 31619/2017-Code of Consumer Conduct for Electronic Commerce) and is subject to the exclusive cognizance of the Court of Thessaloniki, Greece.
In addition to having recourse to traditional judicial means of redress, consumers have the option to refer their complaints to alternative dispute resolution entities (“ADR entities”) which are registered according to Joint Ministerial Decision 70330οικ/2015.
The European Commission also provides a platform for alternative extra-judicial resolution of disputes, available on the website http://ec.europa.eu/odr.
Every user may communicate with MGL PARTS PC on +30.2310.554556 or email on [email protected] or by mail on the address 28 Agiou Dimitriou Str., 54630, Thessaloniki-Greece.